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More features of the Wordlist (2.1d)

In this video we looked at some features of the Wordlist tool that we didn’t cover or only covered in passing in the other videos on spell checking.

  • Wordlist tool is the key tool for spell checking in Paratext.
  • It is an inventory of all the words in your project and their spelling status.

Open the Wordlist

  • On the project’s menu under Tools.
  • OR (quicker) right-click on any word in the scripture text, and select Wordlist.
    • This opens the Wordlist tool with that word selected.

      You can use the right-click option even when the wordlist tool is already open.


Across the top of the Wordlist window are various filters.

  • In the Words filter, you can filter by spelling status.
  • The Verses filter allows you to reduce the range of scripture text the words are drawn from.

To turn off a filter

  • Choose the most broad option in the filter list.

Using the Find Word filter text box

  1. You can search in the words themselves.
  2. Type a word or part of word
    • There is no need to press Enter; the search happens straight away.

Change the spelling status of the words

The tool works in the same way, verifying replacements and saving corrections. If you change your mind on a selected status, or realise you have made a mistake, you can always set it back to Undecided in addition to choosing Correct or Incorrect.

To turn off the Find filter

  • Backspace over your search string or use the All Words option on the Words filter menu.


  • Click any of the column headers.
  • Clicking a second time reverses the sort order.

Select more than one word at a time

  • Use Shift+click for a range or Ctrl+click for any rows.

Change the status of more than one row

  1. Select the row(s)
  2. Open the menu for the window.
  3. Use one of the Set Spelling Status menu options to change the status of all the selected words at once.

View old spelling errors

  1. Open the menu for the Wordlist window.
  2. Under View, click Show reviewed words which no longer exist in project.

We can now view words we know have zero occurrences that we corrected or changed the status of previously.

How to delete a wrong saved correction

If actually correct

If a word is marked as incorrect with a saved correction, and the word is actually spelled correctly

  • Click Correct.
    • The saved correction is removed.

If it is actually incorrect

If on the other hand the word is spelled incorrectly, but you accidentally selected the wrong correction,

  • Click the x again, even though it is already the selected status.
    • Paratext gives you a fresh opportunity to enter or select the right correction.


Paratext takes sentence position into account when analysing words and only lists words which are probably proper nouns with their capital letters.