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Spell Check Current Book (2.1b)

In this video we learnt how to do the second task in checking spellings how to use the feature “Spell Check Current Book”.

It is helpful to have used Approve Spelling of Common Words first.

Spell Check Current Book

  1. Open the menu for the project.
  2. Under Tools, click Spell Check Current Book.
    • The Wordlist tool opens in a special filtered mode.
      It is only showing the words in current book which are Incorrect or Undecided.

Set spelling status

  1. Clicking the status icons in the row for that word.
  2. To mark a word as correct, click the green checkmark.
  3. To mark a word as incorrect, click the red X.

Make correction

  1. Click on the row for the word.
    • Paratext lists all the references with that word.
  2. Click the red X for the word
    • Paratext opens a dialog asking what the correct spelling is and making some suggestions based on similar words.
  3. Use a suggestion or type in a new spelling,
  4. Click OK.
    • Paratext then has you check each replacement in context.
  5. Click Yes to change the word
  6. Click No to skip this verse
  7. Continue for all other verses.

Please note, that although we are only spell checking the current book, the Wordlist tool corrects the spelling of this word in all of the other books where it occurs as well. However, Paratext will only make those changes if you have permission to edit those books.

Use an alternative spelling

Sometimes Paratext will suggest an alternative spelling for a word and this is shown in blue.

  1. To use a spelling, click on the blue link.

    • Paratext opens a dialog box and shows the "Before", and then with the new spelling, labeled "After".

      This allows you to see the word in context before you make any changes.

  2. If you are sure that the change should be made in this verse, click Yes.

  3. Otherwise, click No to skip making the change in this verse.

    • Paratext will then make the change in all of the remaining verses.

Correct misspelled words when Paratext has no suggestions

  1. When I click on the red X, Paratext can only find a few words that are similar.
    • When none of the words listed are the correct spelling of this word.
  2. Click in the Correct Spelling box and edit the spelling.
  3. Click on the OK button to continue.
    • Paratext will show each verse where this word occurs.
  4. Click the [Yes] button to accept the change and to view the next occurrence.

See more words

Paratext does not load all the potentially misspelled words into this window at once.

  1. Scroll down, to More items available… and click
    • Paratext adds more words to the list for me to check.

You will probably have to click "More items available… " several times until Paratext finds no more words that need checking in the current book.