22. Biblical key terms report
One task in this stage is to produce a report of the changes made in the key biblical terms.
Before you start
In working on your translation you have identified and changed a number of key biblical terms.
Why is this important?
Although you can’t use Paratext to write the report, it can produce of list of the terms that you have been dealing with and may need to include in your report.
What are you going to do?
In the Biblical terms tool you will filter on the book(s) that you want to include in your report. You will then save the list of the terms as a separate HTML file. You can also filter the list on any discussion notes.
22.1 Biblical terms tool
- Click in your project
- ≡ Tab, under Tools > Biblical Terms
- Expand the menus if necessary to see this command.
- Set the terms filter
- Set the verses filter (for the books).
- Sort the list as desired.
22.2 Save the list to a file
- ≡ Tab, under Biblical terms > Export as HTML
- Type a name for the file
- Click Save
- Open the file in Word/LibreOffice
22.3 Other ways to identify renderings
Sort on terms notes
- Click on the flag icon (first column heading) to sort on Rendering discussion notes.
Find terms with text in the rendering description
As you working on the terms, you could add some thing in the description
- Click the first filter on the toolbar
- Change from All terms to Rendering Description
- In the text box to the right, type the text to find
- The list is filtered.
- Save the list to HTML (as above).